“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Marwell and Schmidt’s Taxonomy Influence Tactics

I just could not resist using this speech. I found this gem the first week of class and have watched it a few additional times just for pure entertainment. Although it is very difficult to take this speech seriously, it does have many elements of Marwell and Schmidt’s Taxonomy Influence Tactics.

Usually Marwell and Schmidt’s techniques are used to get someone to buy something or get some type of immediate response. However, compliance gaining techniques are quickly becoming the standard for political speeches.

Phil Davidson is quite the political character. He is running for the nomination for county treasurer. He sets up his speech by first letting us know how qualified he is by listing all his educational experience, as well as his working experience. He continues to try persuade his audience with the use of true raw emotion to win his nomination for the Republican candidate for Treasurer.

Although his yelling and awkward body movements make it hard to stay focused on what he is saying, he does actually use the following elements during his plea for his County Treasurer nomination.

First, Punishment. He insists that the Star County Treasurers office is a mess and is dire need of structure and guidance. And if we do not “grab the opportunity” to vote for this candidate it sounds as though the entire treasurers office is going to fall apart. There is no one else who can do the job better and with more enthusiasm then Mr. Davidson, so you had better not lose out on the chance to “save” the treasures office. After all, drastic times require drastic measures. (I am really trying not to laugh right now!)

The second tactic he uses is moral appeal. This tactic entails finding moral common ground, and then uses the moral commitments of a person to obtain compliance. He makes the assumption that his entire audience is no longer willing to “tolerate incompetence and irresponsibility”. He also appeals to those that have committed to the Republican Party. He insists that he is the only true republican running…he “has been a Republican in times good and he has been a Republican in times bad”.

The next tactic he uses is Liking or Ingratiation. He uses this by complementing the people of Stark County. He says that “the greatest strength of the Stark County Republican Party is its people”. He believes that politics are local and he wants to use the ideas and thoughts of the citizens. What a nice compliment to give his constituents. He wants to “use their good ideas not only as a tool, but as a weapon”.

The process premise of this speech is that the people of the county “need” reform in the treasurer’s office. He does his very best to persuade us of this, including giving examples of how he can make it better, and how hard he would work to make that happen. This all very well could be, but it is hard to get past his presentation. I would have to obviously conclude that he fails to persuade anyone to vote for him. The purpose of using Marwell and Schmidt’s Taxonomy Influence Tactics in a political setting is to persuade potential voters to vote in your favor. How effective a politician uses these influences could determine the success of their campaign. I have a feeling that Mr. Davidson could use every tactic available and still not get nominated. Did he really say that he has a Master’s in Communication? This was really a treat to watch. Consider it a gift from me to all of you, enjoy!


  1. Oh My Gosh! I could barely watch this. I am actually glad Eric made us memorize our speeches now. It is almost too distracting to watch!! He sounds more like he is offering a sermon to a sinning congregation. I agree that he fell short of persuading anyone to vote for him, except for maybe his mother. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Holy Cow! Who would ever be crazy enough to give a speech like that. I am sure that he said that he believes that politics are loco not local.
    I also wonder if he knew where the bathroom was.
    Anyway, great example for the assignment and even better job on the analysis.

  3. Wow! I thought Mr. Davidson was going to have a stroke. Such passion! I can't imagine he really has a masters degree in Communications. Seriously? Maybe he did the courses online. I loved the awkward pauses like he was waiting for applause but none came. I also loved the imaginary tools he was using in his hands. I wonder what he is so angry about? Thanks for sharing and I appreciated your analysis on this speech. It was fun to watch, made me feel better about the speeches I gave.

  4. FLIP! Is this guy for real? Even before we started to practice our public speaking I've never done this, nor have I ever witnessed something like this. I feel embarrassed watching this in the privacy of my own office...by myself! The only motivation I felt was the motivation to stop listening.

  5. After reading the comments I had watch this. I made it two and a half minutes through. I figured that was long enough. Everyone's comments were exactly correct regarding this speech. I think it is a great example of what not to do during a speech. Cindy, great job analyzing this. I couldn't catch much of what he was saying through all the yelling, so I wouldn't have been able to do it.

  6. All I have to say is "wow." I agree. Thanks Eric, for insisting that we memorize our speeches. Honestly, who would side with this guy? I personally don't feel that the volume of his voice helped to get his point across at all. His pacing did not inspire anything except nervousness. It was really hard to engage in what he was talking about because he seemed so incapable of holding the audience’s attention on anything but his movements. Although some of the things that he said did focus on some of the tactics, I personally couldn't take him seriously. Thanks, Cindy.

  7. Oh.My.Gosh. He scared me. I mean literally I was scared to hear the next degree he has got, or the part about republican... because it sounds like he is going to kill me right after. lol
    He does try to persuade the public with his passion about the subjects but the way he does it is not pleasant to listen to. I could not focus on the words because of the distraction of nervousness and emotion of his speech.

  8. Passion at it's worth. Please kill me if I ever speak like this. Apparently, passion and credibility can be completely demolished by an imploding presentation. What an amazing mess. All communication students should be required to watch and listen to this.

    1. And I should take more time to preview and spell check my writing.

  9. He must have slept through his communications class to be able to bomb this bad. I was focused more on his screwup than on what he had to say. I can't believe he has gotten as far as he has with this type of speaking.
